Sounds like an important job, right? A friggin' manager of an FM radio station in the former US Naval Base that is now the Subic Bay Freeport Zone. What the hell...I mean, though I was in media, I never really was involved in running a radio station before, or managed one for christsakes.
As if I literally have balls, I decided to do it. After checking out what seemed like a radio station facility (or more like a makeshift shack of a studio with the proverbial egg trays), I gave myself a crash course on the business and management of radio.
Would you believe that right now, there are only four people running the station, myself included? There's BernieMac, our self-appointed program director/production specialist who is also a deejay when he has the time to go on board. Amy, our sales and marketing officer-slash-administrative officer-slash-traffic secretary and occasional events coordinator. There's Tommy G, our resident deejay who goes on air for at least six hours everday. And then, there's me...doing all the pro-forma documents, business and revenue plans, branding and collaterals design, contracts, memos and letters, negotiating, talking to people, and so on and so forth. In other words, I do whatever other work that's supposed to be done.
Still has a lot of work to do, though.
Of course, I also do deejay stuff (snicker*snort*laughing out loud*)
But then that's something I will talk about next time.